Look up!!

Look up!! There is this beautiful moon lighting up the sky and waving the passersby showing up itself with the light of glory and positivity..The scenic beauty shows the earthly nature and the beauty it captures..leaves crowning the moon as the king of night reminding the universe to look up at the sky with a …


Indian sweets and desserts have a very authentic taste and also each variety carries its own cultural values..Every part of India has its own famous sweets and desserts prepared in varieties of ways..While introducing Indian sweets, let me tell you, it has uncountable varieties..As a country of diversity, Indian food and desserts are rich in …

A cup of Tea

Adding some ginger for the refreshment and some raw sugar to enhance the taste..Wow!! TEA!Well this is one of the most interesting stories I can share with you all..When it comes to tea we think about a beverage with the rawness of caffeine and some flavors to enhance the tatse..but do you know, sometimes it …

The unnoticed

In a world full of work and competitive schedules, we often don’t give attention to the beauty around..The calmness and the life that flows..Of course we all are busy doing the stuffs important for survival and also we need the work for a an accomplished life..But the irony is, we often miss the tiny moments …

The costly luggage

The costly luggage, its all about the greatness in carrying love, gratitude and positivity within us..We all carry some kind of luggage with us until the end..And some of the most costly are love, gratitude and positivity..Always make sure to pack your bags with the right things. Life is miraculously beautiful and each of our …

Betel/paan leaves

Betel leaves are of vine family and are one of the most beautifully heart shaped leaves with a very distinctive taste and flavor. Betel leaves have a huge importance in Indian culture since ancient times..Since the traditional times using betel leaves to chew after food for a breath refreshment has grown so far.. These betel …

Into the magic

Evening at its peak I m just resting but not weak Hey! hey! look at me I m the purest gold Just like the magic untold Hiding into the nature Just to let you click a beautiful picture Nature is itself soo poetic.Starting from the singing birds to the setting sun , it has got …

Indian art and pottery

Indian pottery has been a huge role in its traditions and culture..The pottery art has a vast influence in the livelihood of people here..During the festive times the demand of Pottery and the beauty it carries increases to a huge extent..The beautiful shapes and the beautiful molds are made according to the demand of the …